- COVID-19: Wisconsin Data
- Cases
- Deaths
- County-Level
- Facility-Wide Investigations
- Hospital Capabilities
- Outbreaks & Investigations
- COVID-19
About our data
All data are laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 that we extract from our live Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS) and freeze once a day. These numbers are the official state numbers, though counties may report their own totals independent of DHS. Combining the DHS and local totals may result in inaccurate totals.
Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments in order to be counted.
The number of people with negative test results includes only Wisconsin residents who had negative test results reported electronically to DHS or entered manually into the WEDSS electronic laboratory module. As a result, this number underestimates the total number of Wisconsin residents with negative test results.
Data shown below are subject to change. We strive for transparency and accuracy in our data, and as individual cases are investigated by public health, there may be corrections to the status and details of cases that result in changes to this information. Some examples of corrections or updates that may lead to changes to our data, such as case and negative counts and deaths going up or down, include:
- Update or correction of case's address, resulting in a change to their location of residence to another county or state,
- Correction to laboratory result,
- Correction to a case's status from confirmed to unconfirmed (for example, if they were marked as confirmed because a blood test detecting antibodies was positive instead of a test detecting the virus causing COVID-19),
- De-duplication or merging and consolidation of case records,
- Update of case's demographic information from missing or unknown to complete information.
For information on testing, see: COVID-19, testing criteria section.
Download state data | Data dictionary (PDF)
COVID-19 summary
Interpreting Data
Number of newly reported COVID-19 cases, by day, and 7-day average (last 14 days)
Number of COVID-19 test results (positive or negative) and the percent positive, by day (last 14 days)
Cumulative total and newly reported COVID-19 cases by date confirmed
Cumulative total and newly reported COVID-19 deaths by date reported
Confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths by gender
Confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths by race
Confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths by ethnicity
Laboratory Testing Capacity
Data collected by voluntary reporting from public, private, and commercial laboratories in Wisconsin. All data are estimates and do not reflect actual number of tests performed in the state. Capacity is dependent on availability of test supplies and adequate staffing.